
Impact of Cross Terms on Pattern Multiplication in Receiving Phased Arrays


Impact of Cross Terms on Pattern Multiplication in Receiving Phased Arrays
The performance of a receiving antenna array can be substantially improved by multiplying the outputs of two colocated receiving arrays. Compared to the performance of the two individual arrays, such multiplication can increase directivity, increase the number of nulls, and reduce sidelobe levels. However, in the multiplication process undesirable cross terms appear which may reduce the potential performance gains. Here, the detrimental impact of correlation between a desired signal and an interfering signal on the cross terms is investigated, as well as the impact of the signal-to-interference ratio on the cross terms. Researcher/Author: Jiahao Wang (NUS), Koen Mouthaan (NUS) 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (AP-S/URSI), 2022, pp. 820-821
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