HiFES is pleased to have Professor Ali Javey from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) of University of California at Berkeley to present his research group’s recent advancements on fully-integrated perspiration analysis system that can simultaneously measure sweat metabolites, electrolytes and heavy metals, as well as the skin temperature to calibrate the sensors’ response on 3 May 2017.
The seminar room was packed to the brim with the NUS professors, research fellows, post graduate students and companies. In the talk, Prof Ali shared how the group has bridged the technological gap in wearable biosensors by merging plastic-based sensors that interface with the skin, and silicon integrated circuits consolidated on a flexible circuit board for complex signal processing. The talk was well received by the audience with overwhelming questions from the floor.
In conclusion, the wearable sensor devices have been proven to measure the detailed sweat profiles of human subjects in their prolonged indoor and outdoor physical activities and infer real-time assessment of the physiological state of the subject. Hydration status, glucose monitoring and cystic fibrosis diagnosis are amongst a few such cited examples of the real-time assessments. The integrated wearable and flexible electronic sensing platform has enabled wide range of physiological and clinical investigations and will certainly open up a new field abound with opportunities alongside the many challenges to be overcome.