
Publications – 2022 – SHINE

Sub-10nm Ultra-thin ZnO Channel FET with Record-High 561 µA/µm ION at VDS 1V, High µ-84 cm2/V-s and1T-1RRAM Memory Cell Demonstration Memory Implications for Energy-Efficient Deep-Learning Computing

Thermal Challenges and Design Considerations in Heterogeneous Integrated Through-Silicon-interposer Platform for III-V HEMT Flip Chip

Extremely- Scaled Channel Thickness ZnO FET with High Mobility 86 cm2/V-s, Low SS of 83mV/dec and Low Thermal Budget Process (<300°C)

2.5D-MoS₂-Based Non-Volatile Optical Memory for Integrated Photonics

Artificial Neural Pathway Based on a Memristor Synapse for Optically Mediated Motion Learning

Anneal-Free HZO-Based Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistor for Back-End-of-Line-Compatible Monolithic 3D Integration

Engineered Nucleotide Chemicapacitive Microsensor Array Augmented with Physics-Guided Machine Learning for High-Throughput Screening of Cannabidiol

Stress-Memorized HZO for High-Performance Ferroelectric Field-Effect Memtransistor

A Wafer Scale Hybrid Integration Platform for Co-packaged Photonics using a CMOS based Optical Interposer

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