
Our Research

SHINE proposes a unique integrated interdisciplinary research platform approach that includes System Design, Novel Material Development, and New Manufacturing methods focused towards the realization of a complex state-of-art technology demonstrator for commercial interests and dual-usage.

Thrust 1 - New Design / System Enablement

Investigate new module-based system desgin methods that require significantly reduced deisgn cost and infrastructure while incorporating the disruptive introduction of new functional materials.

  • Lead Principal Investigator: Massimo Alioto, NUS  
  • Principal Investigator: Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley

Thrust 2 - Functional Materials, Processing and Sensors

Investigate new functional materails and material composites for sensors, electrodes, substrate that significantly add value to form-factor, functionality and cost.

  • Lead Principal Investigator: Chen Xiaodong, NTU
  • Principal Investigator: Lee Pooi See, NTU

Thrust 3 - Device Circuit, Form Factor Co-Design

Research into microelectronic device and circuit design for reliable hybrid component integration from nanometer to micrometer scale, thermal, energy, signal management to enabling broad class of applications.

  • Lead Principal Investigator: Aaron Thean, NUS
  • Principal Investigator: Koen Mouthaan, NUS
  • Principal Investigator: Leong Yoke Choy Vincent, DSO
  • Principal Investigator: Surya Battacharya, A*Star IME

Thrust 4 - Hybrid Process Integration Capabilities

Research new process equipment capabilities, nanometer-to-micrometer resolution addivitve patterning (printing bonding) including throughput enhancement, material handling, hybrid processing and packaging.

  • Lead Principal Investigator: Antonio Helio Castro Netro
  • Research Collaborator: Ahmed Busnaina, Northeastern University